To answer your question, his "decode" was absolute shit and completely irrelevant to anything.
And when posts immediately attract handshake accounts replying with complete nonsense along with their shill comrades defending them, it's a good sign one is over the target.
He's right though. That attempt at a decode showed no real effort and could've easily been interpreted as someone making fun of us "Qtards". That's what I initially thought too, until his follow up response where he stated he was genuinely trying. Don't get so defensive.
You're making a lot of leaps there, handshake. Must be over the target with this one...
Hahha.. Just trying... I am sure that plan is in place since June 22, 2012 or even earlier.. Check the decode below !!
June, 22 2012 (Date of Melania's Storm Tweet) is on the way!
Add 1600 days = November 8, 2016 = Date DJT got elected (White House Secured- 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue)
To answer your question, his "decode" was absolute shit and completely irrelevant to anything.
And when posts immediately attract handshake accounts replying with complete nonsense along with their shill comrades defending them, it's a good sign one is over the target.
Obviously Obama.
He's right though. That attempt at a decode showed no real effort and could've easily been interpreted as someone making fun of us "Qtards". That's what I initially thought too, until his follow up response where he stated he was genuinely trying. Don't get so defensive.