In the early 1500's, plus or minus, the Puritans of England, developed a list of grievances against the Church of England, which was also the official state religion and mandatory for all English citizens. Among these grievances, that were spurred on by the Reformation, was the freedom of worship. In response to these grievances, the church changed it's name. The Puritans, not being fooled by the designs of the ruling authorities, sailed away to the New World. Is it safe to say that Great Things arose from this departure?
Our present day churches change their names and skins nearly every day, it seems like. And NOT to the Honor and Glory due to our Lord Jesus Christ. Is it not again time for us to take up the Spirit of the Puritans? And set aside the spirit of religion? How do we know what Great Things Christ has set before this generation if we don't sail away?
We are the Church, are we not?
We are...