posted ago by CanadianAnon ago by CanadianAnon +340 / -0

The Media Narratives are desperately trying to recoup in Canada, while still remaining focused on idiocy. The truckers are on their way (Whoo hoo) to Ottawa. The Globe and Mail wrote the fairest piece (although still bull) since the whole plandemic started. Meanwhile CP24 still meanders on as 10,000 protestors from the World Freedom Rallies walk right past their darn window in the background.

The normies are getting an influx of new information. Let’s see how they deal with it. Some will refuse to see (4-6%?), some will despair. Let’s hope others will channel their anger into Awakening.

Here is the Globe and Mail article: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/article-vaccines-are-a-tool-not-a-silver-bullet-if-wed-allowed-more-scientific/

Here is the CP24 nonsense (short. Sorry about YT): 98BB4469-0CEB-48A8-8004-C983E5BE3632.mov

Here is one of the Truckers Convoy links: https://canada-unity.com/bearhug/ I couldn’t seem to post the amazing footage from all across Canada of the 1600 or so trucks making their way to Ottawa. Ottawa is a small place. πŸ˜‚. LET’S GO! Whoo hoo!