I don't see how anyone in the CIA is a white hat. A director at that? That agencies existence is to destroy the USA from within. Like when they flooded the US with crack in the 80's and their ties to Bin Laden (Tim Osman), the fact that the Bush family was part of it's creation.
Why would I believe Mike ("Lie, Cheat & Steal") Pompeo is a white hat?
Please do. As much as I don't agree with Muslims, I've never ever seen one insult Jesus. Also, I believe if you do insult Jesus to them, they'd crack your teeth out since they believe he is the Messiah and a Prophet.
Jews? Well Hollywood shows us constantly what they think of Jesus and Christianity.
Why do I think this? Because I've traveled through the Middle East extensively from Lebanon to Iran. Insulting Jesus would get you in serious trouble in Muslim nations, in Israel, it's a right of passage.