We have tried everything but Ivermectin because my parents are skeptical due to it being an animal medicine. I don’t know how to get my hands on HQ. Zinc is out of stock everywhere I go. Mom is talking about taking him to the hospital for breathing treatments but the kicker is, my mom isn’t allowed to go in with him. I don’t want them to get their filthy hands on my father. He’s not terribly sick, just running fevers, coughing a lot.. but his lungs are limited. Dad is 50+. My Mom is skeptical about Ivermectin when I’ve told her to please go get him some so he can start feeling better. Doctors gave him Augmentin, an inhaler, and pretty much told him good luck. My dad has COPD, sleep apnea and sleeps with a breathing machine. He is immunocompromised and this is affecting him worse than most people. How do I get my hands on Hydroxychloroquine or anything that will be of use to my father? I am worried about him. I want him to feel better. I am going to keep trying to convince my mom to get Ivermectin. He’s coughing a lot, pretty much all day. And running fevers non stop. Whole family in the house was infected. I am definitely starting to get some strength back but due to my dad still being sick and coughing, I am afraid we will continuously get sick. I hate how they have decimated this world with the bio-weapon known as Covid. I really hope my dad gets better. We are all worried. I am going to try my best to get him everything I can to make him feel better. I live in NC and I’m not sure how easily I can get HQ or Ivermectin. They might not even have any. Or, they have a sign saying “Animal use only. Will not sell to humans.” And then I won’t be able to get any at all. What’s the website I can order some from if the search for it in person goes sour? Also, I know about the Zelenko Protocol but every time I try to go get vitamins, fucking sold out. Will try Amazon.
Update: Thank you for all the replies. I cannot find anything I’m looking for in the stores. I know I seem kind of dumb asking all of this and I should’ve got Ivermectin sooner but my mom was skeptical and kept refusing. I am talking to her about it now. Please don’t attack my mom. She doesn’t know any better. My parents are old school. We are doing everything we can to help my dad. I think she is going to order medicine for him. I only kept asking because I know everyone on here can help me better than my phony physicians. I found some supplements that have the basic vitamins in them. But I’m still going to order the Zinc + Q.
Ah thanks. And yes, I know, but if they suspect you intend to use it on yourself they most likely won’t sell it to you
Here in the states Tractor Supply has a curb side pickup. Order it & pay online & you can pull into TSC and they’ll bring it out to you if it’s available near you. If it’s not, look at Tractor Supply stores in more rule areas.