Blue origin real goal: they strap you in for lift off. The count down timer begins. A needle pierces your arm with an injection of a hallucinogenic chemical cocktail. Before the time even hits 1, maybe 2 or 3 it varies depending on the individual but at that time the chair drops back like the Sweeney Todd chair and sends you down a tunnel of flashing lights and some communist cult leader thanks you for the sacrifice you have made before you hit the bottom of the tank. You get churned up and mixed with a green dye made of bugs before being placed in "Amazon basics organic Soylent Green" squeeze tube that's shipped to starving prime members in 2 days or less.
Blue origin real goal: they strap you in for lift off. The count down timer begins. A needle pierces your arm with an injection of a hallucinogenic chemical cocktail. Before the time even hits 1, maybe 2 or 3 it varies depending on the individual but at that time the chair drops back like the Sweeney Todd chair and sends you down a tunnel of flashing lights and some communist cult leader thanks you for the sacrifice you have made before you hit the bottom of the tank. You get churned up and mixed with a green dye made of bugs before being placed in "Amazon basics organic Soylent Green" squeeze tube that's shipped to starving prime members in 2 days or less.