BOMBSHELL: Biden Family Scored $31 Million from Deals with Individuals with Direct Ties to the Highest Levels of Chinese Intelligence
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Bring them here to read this: it's all just fake. You work for imaginary money and if you're hungry, you'll get more quality food fishing for a day than working that same day and trying to buy food with the earnings. Learn to negotiate your pay if you're struggling, it's an 'employee's market' out there. Definitely learn to budget conservatively; human beings do not need iPhones or 2nd bathrooms. If you do anything of value, and sell it, and do not let yourself be fleeced, live within your means and don't fall for commercials; you'll acquire all you need. Do better, get more. This central bank money is a fantasy designed to extract your labor and keep you too busy to look behind the curtain where your slaveowners are laughing at you, and thinking up new ways to trick you. It's easy, too, because you're distracted all the time.