Day after day I log in to quietly browse through messages looking for good news and hopium indicating the return of GEOTUS into active position of power is imminent. And yet day after day I'm facing a wall of posts suggesting Biden is leading our country to hell.
Did I miss a memo? Trump is in control and "Biden" is a puppet. How many times do we need to go through this?
I started ready Q drops at #1 and i am up to 900. I get some hope doing this - some hopium that the Plan is not a ruse or a psyop. But i agree with the OP the lack of the obvious wins on the save America side is darn demoralizing. Last week Law of War etc and nada nothing.
It's not wins we need, it's faith.
When control is in the good hands of GEOTUS, Q etc., wins are planned for appearances. Whatever happens, happens for a reason.
Yep. The Canadian Freedom Convoy is inspiring though!