I can't believe it's been two years and I still have to explain this to people, and even the doctors at the Second Opinion panel yesterday didn't bring this up. I am thinking at this point that the public narrative about COVID may not get fully blown away until much later.
It appears for now that the mainstream and even most of the alternative medical community is still not willing to question a few points. Namely, that there ever was, in fact, a literal virus causing major illness and that that virus was captured and fully sequenced and proven to be the culprit of the disease, which was then used to rapidly develop and mass produce, faster than ever done before in history, test kits with no validation, no verifiability, and unquestionable accuracy. And everyone is just supposed to assume all of that was done without error and with public health as the top priority.
We heard early on in 2020 about the extremely high false positive rates of the PCR tests and the fact that the virus has never been truly isolated and sequenced. Instead, a single source, from within the Wuhan lab sent a digital (in silico) genome to the CDC which was then distributed digitally to all other labs and facilities who requested a sample for study. NEVER in the past 2 years has a "wild" virus been caught and isolated and shown to cause the disease called "COVID-19". In my opinion, from the start, it was all media-driven hysteria blown way out of proportion. If there was an actual pathogen, it made its way through the population in a matter of months and is long gone. The people getting sick now are almost all from the injections of synthetic biomaterial which turns bodies into factories of the very toxin which causes the disease - the spike protein.
So here is the question I try to ask anytime someone says they have/had COVID:
"How do you know it's COVID?"
The answer is always one of these:
- "I tested positive"
- "My doctor diagnosed me"
- "I have symptoms" (loss of taste and smell most common)
So first of all, the tests are worthless. ALL of them. Doesn't matter if its PCR or antibody, or what have you. They are all based on proprietary standards which have no way for anyone to independently verify and reproduce their methods. In other words, they are all "black box" tool kits which take arbitrary data (human DNA sample) and spit out a simple binary result. Keep in mind, the technicians who process these tests are not medical professionals and beyond running samples through the lab equipment they really receive no training on how the tests actually work. Try asking a technician to explain how PCR works and if the test actually looks for the full viral genome or just fragments. Ask about the threshold or "viral load" they use to determine whether a result is positive or negative. Ask who determines that threshold and based on what criteria. If you get a test done, ask them to give you the full results with the calculations showing how the determination was made.
If someone was diagnosed by a doctor or on their own, I really shouldn't have to explain that it's just a judgment call at that point, and nothing more than an opinion. As yesterday's hearing showed, most doctors still aren't willing to consider that this virus may never have even existed at all. At the very least, it's existence is no more than conjecture. The only supposed live samples are kept under lock and key with only digital copies available. Why can't any virology lab isolate the virus from a sick patient, verify its genome matches that of the supposed original strain, and produce a live sample which infects a new healthy host? To my knowledge this still has not been done, and therefore everything that follows is a sham until proven otherwise.
Lastly, I will say that I've heard a lot of people say they got sick in 2020 with strange symptoms, almost all said they lost their taste and smell for a week or so. If you remember, that was one of the main symptoms reported on MSM which convinced the public if that happened to them, it must be covid. Well, just think about it. Given everything I have laid out above, isn't it a pretty big leap of logic to think that one symptom is enough to characterize and identify a disease and presume it's caused by a particle that is the size of a billionth of a pinhead? Aren't there other causes of disease that exist? Did anyone ever try to rule out other possible pathogens or did everyone just jump to the conclusion that it must be a virus because that's what the people in white lab coats said?
dont play so naive, your comment shrugging off taste and smell loss as pyschosomatic or insignificant is where you lose people that have had this illness. I also had low blood oxygen, high fever and exhaustion.
covid is simply the name they gave the effect of the illness. So yes covid is a made up term to sound scary.
I dont have an issue with people like you questiioning what the illness is caused by. None of us can prove that. I take issue with those that act as if it was just a common cold or flu. And many on here have stated that. Which kinda shits on the face of all of us that had it.
It could have just been that year's flu strain, modified with spike proteins from a bat coronavirus which caused additional and unusual symptoms. The whole point of my post was not to say the sickness was nothing or imagined, but that just simply having symptoms does not translate into proof that its caused by a virus and not something else.
I never said it was "just a cold or flu". It may have been a modified version of something that already existed but we don't know, and can't know now, because the window of opportunity to collect that information has passed. However nothing suggests that the 2020 sickness and the people getting sick now and calling it covid are caused by the same agent, so we should not call them by the same name.
well faggots like u/Michelleobamasnuts are why you get angry comments with posts like this. Or is that your alt?
covid is a made up word to describe the illness. Was Sars Cov1 real? Why couldn't Sars Cov2 be real? And if its not what they say it is it could be some other type of bioweapon or vax shedding, it sure as hell isn't the flu. You are not a fren, you are a division shill.