Sample email:
Dear Dr xxx -
In response to <hospital>'s demand that all organ transplant recipients receive covid-19 vaccinations, I am removing myself from the organ donor program and urging friends to do the same.
I hope you care that the hospital's decision is already causing harm to patients by decreasing the number of registered organ donors.
Please do your part in rescinding this harmful, short-sighted demand, and hopefully my organs won't go to waste.
Love, Me
I have a friend that removed her organ donor status on her DL after she started working at the Medical Examiner's office. It is an ugly business and do not think that money is not a strong motivation that can sway life and death decisions. China is not the only place where there is a dark side to this trade. Yes, I am calling it what it is - a trade. The monies flow through the trade maybe differently, but the end result is the same - body parts for sale.
If the “ donor” industry is that insidious and evil (which I believe they are) does being on a donor list really make a difference? Wouldn’t they just harvest regardless?
Permission has to be given in order for organs to be harvested. When a person arrives at a hospital, verifying organ donation status is part of the admission process. If a person has been in an accident and brought to a trauma center, they will identify donor status just in case. They look for that donor status on a DL. They also use that DL status as leverage when dealing with family members whose loved one is unconscious and cannot speak for themselves. They cannot just take organs without someone's consent.
Oh I forgot, this isn’t China. <sarc>
Sometimes I wonder. It's a very thin line.