A buddy of mine (who had to send agents to my house to question me over Jan 6) was “walked out” of the local FBI building because he gave a prostitute a Bible. They usually “walk out” agents that get hooked on the confiscated evidence. He served with the Army in Iraq and then was FBI for over a decade. He spent 7 years in the crimes against children task force. Was on San Antonio, New Orleans and one other large metro SWAT teams. This guy is a beast and was doing God’s work. Making a difference. He still is though. He started a ministry and is reaching thousands in our community while cutting and selling firewood to support his family. Had to sell his house and move into a used camper. But he’s not complaining. He’s fighting.
SPIRITUAL BATTLES ARE BEING FOUGHT. Get your armor on and get in the game.
He was undercover working pimps and prostitutes. He would give a Bible to some of the prostitutes. That is the reason they gave him the boot. I posted a YouTube video where he talks about it.