Ft. Marcy Park seems to be a popular place to Shoot yourself...
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"Ward is survived by his husband and two adopted sons." HMMMmmmmmmm
maybe the start of suicide weekend
Pedo's start offing themselves or others is some BIG TIME WINNING u/#Mjpopcorn
ready ready ready ready
So OK, I've never heard of this guy or the township he served. How does he relate to any of the current black hat activities we're watching? I just don't see that he's a significant character to the DS.
Who do you think gets elected in the DC suburbs? He knows what's going on and it ended up getting him a visit from Killary or accociates to shut him up and/or send a warning.
Where can I send bullets? I don't want the criminals to run out while making things right.
Booz Allen Hamilton subsidiary of the Carlyle Group is located in McLean VA. Lots of crooks associated with BAH