I don't care in the least if they do pick a black woman to take his place. But don't just pick someone just because you want to be known for electing a first 'whatever they maybe' into office or job position. Do it because they're qualified and deserve it.
I do have a problem when they're just doing it to make themselves look good and trying to appeal to certain individuals. We all know biden think of himself much higher than those that are black or any minority. He's had repeated history of being racist. A guy like that doesn't just all of a sudden change. And now the Dems want to try and prop him up as some guy who does 'sooooo much for the minority groups.' Complete and utter bull crap. It's especially disgusting, given the fact how they've treated Trump and calling him racist, when he didn't have the history record like biden with being racist. So fed up with the hypocrisy.
Now, we'll get to hear on the news on how 'simply wonderful' biden was/is to the black community once again. It's all fake.........it's all fake. Yet many won't see it.
Dont know much about Breyer but Im sure he was asked to step down because they know they are losing in the mid terms.
Last night I heard a statement by a black man about how when they announce they are picking a "black woman", it plants a seed in everyone's mind. He says that type of announcement takes away from any real accomplishments that person may have achieved or will achieve because the tone has been set for her being first and foremost a black woman forever and hired for that reason. The people will always think of her being picked by Joe Biden just for being a black woman regardless of her effectiveness at her job. I felt like he was describing it as a way of keeping her in her place. So I dont think black people like Joe's identity politics any more than anyone else