my coworker is 17 and i asked her "Do you think all white people are oppressors or racist in some way shape or form?"
Her reply....
I am white, and my white privilege and what my people are, and what they have done, I just have to accept it as part of who I am.
shortly after, a customer showed up, so I slipped in a quick firm statement saying "I dont believe that shit." and she sorta chuckled/giggled at it. In your opinion technically what would you say to get debate this woke shit? Them damn schools teaching kids to hate themselves. it's sad
Hit "privilege" first, you can counter with Affirmative Action (the only truly "systematically" racist thing that I am aware of.)
Potentially explain how big slavery was world wide prior to US. How it became popularized here and how it eventually almost died here before they made everyone a slave. If you can, tie that in with how the legal system in the US has been trying to classify it's citizens as corporations to maintain control of the populace as well as allow for free trade of people, all the while trying to establish human rights for corporations (brick and mortar buildings) to establish what looks from here to be an oligarchy.
Slavery never ended, they just found a way to include everyone.