Was there anything more chest rattling than a Prowler at military on the cat? I heard the Super Hornets are quite a bit louder than the older Hornets, and the F-35 is insanely loud when it flies over. Can't imagine that beast on a cat.
Balls of steel. Those Prowler crews knew they were going out to often get radar locked intentionally so they could fire air to ground missiles down their radar pipe. Standing between two of them on cat 1 and 2 in the crotch is just an amazing experience. The only thing cooler is standing between two Tomcats on cat 1 and 2 at afterburner at night.
Man, the sounds of those arresting cables being pulled out by a jet landing is so odd to hear from below decks. Just seems weird, but out on the deck it's just a day in the life and part of the orchestra playing out in flight ops.
Was there anything more chest rattling than a Prowler at military on the cat? I heard the Super Hornets are quite a bit louder than the older Hornets, and the F-35 is insanely loud when it flies over. Can't imagine that beast on a cat.
Balls of steel. Those Prowler crews knew they were going out to often get radar locked intentionally so they could fire air to ground missiles down their radar pipe. Standing between two of them on cat 1 and 2 in the crotch is just an amazing experience. The only thing cooler is standing between two Tomcats on cat 1 and 2 at afterburner at night.
...watching a "machine" catapult from the surface of another "machine" would be an awesome experience...
...same would go for the "landing sequence"....
Man, the sounds of those arresting cables being pulled out by a jet landing is so odd to hear from below decks. Just seems weird, but out on the deck it's just a day in the life and part of the orchestra playing out in flight ops.
aye aye Captain....