Seeing these Magnificent Patriot Truckers stand up to tyranny over the past week has shown frustrated citizens all over the world that they are not alone, most feel the same way and being united makes them unstoppable.
Convoy then coasts to a stop across all lanes, making a solid mass of vehicles, bumper to bumper for 30 miles
Bunches of idiots in Congress. And it won’t take but a few hours for people to “chip” their vehicles to remove the kill switch. This is “our personal property”. Countless cars and trucks on the road today have non OEM chips in them that allow for greater performance or economy than the OEM chip provided
Seeing these Magnificent Patriot Truckers stand up to tyranny over the past week has shown frustrated citizens all over the world that they are not alone, most feel the same way and being united makes them unstoppable.
That’s a liberal for you
Convoy. That’s not permitted so shut them down
Convoy then coasts to a stop across all lanes, making a solid mass of vehicles, bumper to bumper for 30 miles
Bunches of idiots in Congress. And it won’t take but a few hours for people to “chip” their vehicles to remove the kill switch. This is “our personal property”. Countless cars and trucks on the road today have non OEM chips in them that allow for greater performance or economy than the OEM chip provided
Sure you're correct fren