I would argue that inertia is the conservative ideal being that it is always against change. And the more rapid the change, the greater the inertia.
The problem isn't the inertia because it helps just as much as it hinders: without it, we'd already been a communist hell-hole since the 60s.
No, the problem is that you need a motive force in the other direction, one stronger than wokeist socialism, and it doesn't really exist because all the values that lead to more order, liberty and prosperity are all seen as outdated, morally bankrupt and totally unprogressive, even by people who hate Wokeism.
And this is what we have to change. We need to articulate the case for traditional values. Show that, in fact, they are not only progress, they are the only possible way to progress society in the true sense of the word "progress". All while making the case that current "progressive" ideology is akin to a train speeding off of a cliff and is not the type of progress you want unless your aim is to kill everyone.
I would argue that inertia is the conservative ideal being that it is always against change. And the more rapid the change, the greater the inertia.
The problem isn't the inertia because it helps just as much as it hinders: without it, we'd already been a communist hell-hole since the 60s.
No, the problem is that you need a motive force in the other direction, one stronger than wokeist socialism, and it doesn't really exist because all the values that lead to more order, liberty and prosperity are all seen as outdated, morally bankrupt and totally unprogressive, even by people who hate Wokeism.
And this is what we have to change. We need to articulate the case for traditional values. Show that, in fact, they are not only progress, they are the only possible way to progress society in the true sense of the word "progress". All while making the case that current "progressive" ideology is akin to a train speeding off of a cliff and is not the type of progress you want unless your aim is to kill everyone.