Zelenko + zpak + horse pastemectin...after 3 doses she says she's at 75% from 0%!
Strangely, she had SEVERE nausea. 8 mg zofran...nothing. OTC Emetrol 2 doses...good to.go....i.sold tons of that stuff back in the day because it works.
Got her appetite back today.
She played piano.for church today all whilst hiding her crud. She lives in assisted living, but she lives in the independent part. Heck, she squeezed her baby grand in there and still.teaches.
If "they" know she's sick, they will.isolate her and her neighbors x 14 days! So she's sneaking around on the downlow lol
She goes to regular MD on Wednesday and she called me tonight to help her come up with a story if he suspects shes sick! She will.not be tested. MD knows that she knows her body better than him...same thing i told my doc.
Hell, my mom had AK-47s held on her in the Congo in the 60s. Tough old bird. 17 major surgeries including 2 spinal fusions snd 15 other odd things. 17 is true!
She's gonna.be fine.
One more...all the women in her family live for damn ever and she saud, " I'll be 113 years old and you'll look at me and say, :"Mom. Die. Please.?" She's hilarious.
edit:.re: isolation. That would be a mistake. She's afraid I'll embarrass her. I told that I'd embarrass them. I gotta be cool.
Thought I'd share, trens.
Thanks. She hasnt been dewormed since 65 whe we were in Congo! Missionaries.
I've been telling her that parasites, untreated, cause a whole spectrum of disease. They're a constant source of inflammation.
She is walking inflammation.
She'll be our study subject!
The parasite rabbit hole is mind blowing. Just makes sure she’s drinking lots of lemon water. A hot cup first thing in the morning bf she eats and regular lemon water throughout the day. The die off period can be rough! Keep us posted.