Oh, there's money involved but much closer to home. Always ask "Who benefits?". Answer: Everyone in the industrial farming industry from the actual growers to the users of their produce because they all get to raise prices whether there is an actual or hyped shortage. But now when you see another price hike in the supermarket you have something tangible to attach that increase to beyond nebulous "inflation" or "supply chain". The flipside is who doesn't benefit beside the end consumer? Small farmers who would have a tough time bearing fertilizer cost increases should they occur.
Oh, there's money involved but much closer to home. Always ask "Who benefits?". Answer: Everyone in the industrial farming industry from the actual growers to the users of their produce because they all get to raise prices whether there is an actual or hyped shortage. But now when you see another price hike in the supermarket you have something tangible to attach that increase to beyond nebulous "inflation" or "supply chain". The flipside is who doesn't benefit beside the end consumer? Small farmers who would have a tough time bearing fertilizer cost increases should they occur.