Future proves past! Great example as this was released LAST YEAR!
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I absolutely LOVE IT.
Apologies for the Ewe Toob!
Backdated post on the video.
None of the comments go beyond a few days.
Ewe Toob sets the date, not the submitter. Keep your black pills for yourself, they don't work around here.
Nice try SHILL! The video sight stamps the date. Only a moron or black pill tosser would think otherwise. As for being a"nubie", one look at your profile, with a post score of ZERO and the fact you joined NINE days ago shows exactly who is the Nubie, or should I restate the obvious, who is the SHILL! Enjoy YOUR ignorance, it's all you'll soon have left SHILL!
Get THIS genius
Can you backdate on YouTube?
"You can turn event dates in YouTube back on by simply re-enabling the “Event Dates” option on the “Modules” tab of your My Channel page."
When you make a video public on YouTube, the date on the watch page is based on Pacific Standard Time (PST). If you want a certain date to show beneath your video, upload your video on that date. Alternatively, schedule it to go public on that date, in Pacific Standard Time.
In theory, the uploaded date can’t be changed. It’s a value that is generated on YouTube’s backend and shouldn’t really need to be changed by the user. Still, it seems like a plausible explanation for this video when you consider the odds of correctly guessing the Powerball. How do you set a publish time on YouTube?
Then, you can set the date, time, and time zone that you want your video to be published. The video will stay private until the scheduled time. “Published on” date on watch page. When you make a video public on YouTube, the “published on” date on the watch page is based on Pacific Standard Time (PST).
Wow! You truly are a moron. You aren't even capable of reading and comprehending what you post. Read it again, and again, and again, as many times as you need. Wordpress and youtube are completely different formats, but maybe you aren't smart enough to have figured it out yet.
And as far as "scheduling a publish date", that only applies to videos to be released in the future, not the past. But by all means, go ahead and grab a video from today or yesterday, and let's see you post date a few years. I'll be waiting, until then go play tough guy somewhere else.
I made the statement that dates can be manipulated on Youtube and they can. But yes, technically, it only works by setting a future posting date. It can't be backdated from the current time. So I get your point that it wouldn't have been 'backdated'. Truth is, it doesn't matter, and I sure as hell don't care. Your premise is GAY as hell. Trucker boy as prophet. Grow up, or get real.
Wordpress was suggested by another as a program to use to create a file ..... read the original statement by said person. That person made no claim that Wordpress and Youtube are the 'same format, and neither did I.
So yeah, I'll say my statement while 'true' wasn't relevant to the actual case of this video. I'm sorry I even brought it up to question the fag narrative because now I have to hold your triggered hand and talk you down.
All that aside..............the guy is all about trucks......and trucking ......and trucking down highways......and from Canada...... So a song about a convoy in Canada from him is like a song about girls by Elvis. Expected. Hardly a prophet. So you'll excuse me for laughing at the stupidity of it. Or not. Just the sort of thing a nubie wannabe would grasp at as 'proof' of something.
btw: Imagine me rolling on the floor when seeing you've been onboard for a grand total of ONE YEAR. So what was wrong with the first 3/4 years of Q to keep you away? One year. Holy frigging cow.
I have a 50 year head start on you "cupcake". I didn't come here to learn it, I came here to give it. Being from huge Cabal families on both sides, I've known the score my whole life and could and will bury you in the details, some of which you might even understand. You go ahead and test that.
Sorry Sunshine, but had you been around any length of time, you'd KNOW that a rogue admin deleted thousands of members before they caught him. The deleted accounts were irretrievable and many of us had to make new accounts. Calling the sight 8chan also shows you know nothing of which you speak.
But keep up your lies and shilling up, I'm sure they make you feel like a tough guy! Adios loser!
Were you a 'conspiracy theorist' before the phrase was even coined? This is my third time coming back to spank and redpill due to another falling away. I find ALL sites sophomoric AT BEST. The fact that I was on 4 chan and 8 chan and poal and 1st banned on reddit. Waiting and waiting for everyone to catch up at least enough to where every single fact wasn't cried about and called a shill for nearly every redpill, all of which turned out and will continue to turn out because of the hard work people like you never did or ever will do. Your smarmy attitude is a joke considering you're the punk who just recently had to have Q to wake you up slowly. I want you to keep coming back at me so I can spank your punk ass with facts. I'm not here to make fake frens, fren. I've been doing heavier lifting than you'll ever find here for longer than you've been alive. This is just one more attempt to redpill would-be redpillers guessing their asses off. I applaud the correct guesses. But I leave guessing to everyone else. So bring it.
You're not a shill. You're just not worth arguing with.
You have spanked nothing but your own monkey Wonderboy! Come back when you've got your first month under your belt, then we can start on just how far back who goes. IF you had any authenticity, you'd not be trying to tear down others hoping it might make you look better. It doesn't work that way Cupcake, and all TRUE anons know that. Just the simple fact you cite "4chan" and "8chan" as your proof shows just how KUN-fused you are on the matter. Now run on along and go play keyboard commando somewhere else, you only make yourself look more idiotic with each post!