posted ago by purkiss80 ago by purkiss80 +24 / -3

Imagine for a moment that you are a heartless, globalist, deep state criminal - perhaps Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama, for example...

You know Trump is coming back and the people you once secretly controlled, stand firmly behind him. You know that if Trump comes back, it’s game over for you. You know that you are about to be exposed, and with that, you will inevitably face treason charges - which could very well mean death...

What would you do? ...

All you have to do is watch the MSM for that answer. They spend all day trying to manipulate their audience into thinking that Trump is the bad guy. Everything they’ve shown you, for years, is so absurdly far from the truth. The more they panic, the more absurd it gets. Their tactics aren’t working like they used to. They are so desperate that the lies are now laughable for those who see them.

Nothing can stop what is coming...