Then executing r all these puppet world leaders will be a pleasure.
Get the ropes.
Also, this was likely done by a rogue Amerucan Navy vessel. About a year later the Admiral of the 5th fleet in M.E. ssuicide himself. It was likely a 5th fleet ship. Then covid hit and the commander of a U.S. nuclear carrier defending the south pacific parked it in Guam and walked away. This took a top ship of the line out of play allowing the deepnstzte to show they still had some control over Naval assets.
Then executing r all these puppet world leaders will be a pleasure.
Get the ropes.
Also, this was likely done by a rogue Amerucan Navy vessel. About a year later the Admiral of the 5th fleet in M.E. ssuicide himself. It was likely a 5th fleet ship. Then covid hit and the commander of a U.S. nuclear carrier defending the south pacific parked it in Guam and walked away. This took a top ship of the line out of play allowing the deepnstzte to show they still had some control over Naval assets.
I think it's all related
Any vessel in Puget Sound would be 3rd fleet, US West Coast. 5th fleet covers Med and Middle East. 7th fleet is West Pac. 2nd fleet is US East coast.
5th fleet was at Bahrain at the time.
Right, that would be the Middle East. Bahrain isn't anywhere close to Puget Sound.