Labs cannot find covid in samples - sir CDC for fraud
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Be careful with that article.
The first part about the Influenza and lawsuit is from an article that has been circulating for many months. There does not seem to be any proof that this person exists, that the experiment happened, or that there is a lawsuit pending.
So, that first part will be "debunked" by anyone who wants to push the mainstream narrative.
The author of the article is obviously not someone who knows anything about it, because he uses "Covid-19" in place of "SARS-CoV-2." No knowledgeable person would do that.
The other parts are true. CDC (and over 100 other "authoritative institutions" around the world) have stated, in writing, that they have NO SARS VIRUS. This is per Tom Cowan, who has been investigating this issue.
There are rewards out there to prove that the virus exists, so that reward part might be true. I don't know about that particular reward.
The rest of the article looks basically correct, but the author did not do his homework. That's a shame, because it hurts your credibility with the non-thinkers out there if you send it to them.
I agree, in looking it up, it appears this is fake. I always mistrust articles written about scientific evidence that don’t have names, dates, study citations, etc.