Water, toothpaste, pediatricians even prescribe fluoride drops to add to your babies bottles bc they claim it helps with the growth of their teeth. Lies to keep us dumb and manipulated. Add in the chem trails, no wonder we still have a bunch of mindless zombies wearing masks and injecting poison into their children.
They were prescribed to my 8 month old. I remember the conversation (it was 7 years ago) but still stuck in my brain. When I switched to formula he asked if I used tap or bottled water for it. When I told him filtered bottled water he prescribed drops. I never used them and thought it was weird, wasn't awake then. Now makes sense.
Putting Fluoride in water is so, so wrong.
Never should have been done.
Water, toothpaste, pediatricians even prescribe fluoride drops to add to your babies bottles bc they claim it helps with the growth of their teeth. Lies to keep us dumb and manipulated. Add in the chem trails, no wonder we still have a bunch of mindless zombies wearing masks and injecting poison into their children.
Fluoride drops to promote growth of teeth for babies is probably the worst I have heard of.
They were prescribed to my 8 month old. I remember the conversation (it was 7 years ago) but still stuck in my brain. When I switched to formula he asked if I used tap or bottled water for it. When I told him filtered bottled water he prescribed drops. I never used them and thought it was weird, wasn't awake then. Now makes sense.