Water, toothpaste, pediatricians even prescribe fluoride drops to add to your babies bottles bc they claim it helps with the growth of their teeth. Lies to keep us dumb and manipulated. Add in the chem trails, no wonder we still have a bunch of mindless zombies wearing masks and injecting poison into their children.
Somehow all these shitbird doctors/dentists "professionals" still don't know the difference between calcium fluoride and sodium fluoride. It's very simple. Calcium Fluoride occurs naturally, and is an essential nutrient. Sodium fluoride is a neurotoxin, and anything that contains it is a neurotoxic poison, including water, toothpaste, and those drops that they prescribe to children.
It just boggles my mind beyond belief that so called smart doctors can't make this distinction.
Putting Fluoride in water is so, so wrong.
Never should have been done.
Water, toothpaste, pediatricians even prescribe fluoride drops to add to your babies bottles bc they claim it helps with the growth of their teeth. Lies to keep us dumb and manipulated. Add in the chem trails, no wonder we still have a bunch of mindless zombies wearing masks and injecting poison into their children.
Somehow all these shitbird doctors/dentists "professionals" still don't know the difference between calcium fluoride and sodium fluoride. It's very simple. Calcium Fluoride occurs naturally, and is an essential nutrient. Sodium fluoride is a neurotoxin, and anything that contains it is a neurotoxic poison, including water, toothpaste, and those drops that they prescribe to children.
It just boggles my mind beyond belief that so called smart doctors can't make this distinction.
Agreed. These same doctors back the jab so are you really surprised?