What would you do if you were a doctor/nurse who had been handing out remdesivir and ventilators to patients, to keep your job, while preventing patient access to IVM/HCQ.
Then everyone found out you were using ivermectin for your own family in secret.
How do you prove something happened "knowingly"?
I personally heard from my doctor that our Governor (Cooper, NC - rat bastard) wrote doctors weekly telling them to NOT prescribe Ivermectin and HCQ as it was not FDA and CDC approved. That every prescription would be checked and verified by the pharmacist filling it. If the prescriptions were found to be prescribed without approval, they would be pulled.
After the first letter, she called a local pharmacy that she worked the most with and asked them what they were told. The pharmacists told her they were to report all prescriptions.
She said this was the first time in her 30+ years of medicine that she ever received government memos.
Can we file suit against Cooper for practicing medicine without a license, then?
About that...
He's a good actor and many of his shorts are funny but I stopped watching when I got to his pro jab shorts.