Litecola2 2 points ago +2 / -0

...that a corrupt slaver who happened to be a prosecutor is going to be popular...

Litecola2 2 points ago +2 / -0

I mean toward believing this, because otherwise it is difficult to explain a rich playboy never drinking, smoking or anything else...

Litecola2 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's also amazing how one single person with patriotism, vision and faith can make hordes of leftists scream and gnash their teeth

Litecola2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, crap... From that perspective, he's getting more of what he was stealing! He needs to work off his debts!

Litecola2 1 point ago +1 / -0

However it would seem that it's not just late night cringe- if you've been reading, you'll know that broad daylight attacks happen with increasing frequency. Victim blaming doesn't help the 12 year old who was kidnapped, the mother returning home with a neighbor from dropping her kids off at school, etc. Many years ago, I visited Paris and it was brightly lit 24 hours a day. I was warned only about Montmartre at the time, and the rest of the place was open, so to speak. That ain't the case anymore, at any hour.

Litecola2 4 points ago +4 / -0

Keeping them out of daycare the first 6 months of their lives would go a long way towards preventing their catching these things until their immune systems have had a chance to build.

Litecola2 4 points ago +4 / -0

Make sure they also inject the chart in the post into the discussion on record- it shows that there has NEVER been a real study on long term safety or efficacy of the injections. The only one, at the very bottom of the chart, which lasted over 6 months and had a placebo, showed terrible harm and death to children. https://icandecide.org/article/childhood-vaccine-trials-summary-chart/

Litecola2 4 points ago +4 / -0

No shots later, either- clean analysis has found the risks are still way greater than any rewards. Yes even the annual flu shots make one more likely to fall ill and they build negatively upon each other year after year.

Litecola2 3 points ago +3 / -0

Here's some pieces that keep me in the "it was real" train of thought: Kim Clement and other seers predicted the attempt with details. Expert shooters confirm that not only could the alleged shooter not have managed to reliably fake that shot, but others in that building or on the water tower with the real pro equipment could not have reliably faked that shot (meaning the risk was way too great of killing Trump). The resulting panic and desperation seems genuinely chaotic and imperfect, and it's really hard to fake random to look random, if you know what I mean. Not to say your theory isn't plausible, but I think project looking Glass have WH enough confidence for Q to say he's safe.

Litecola2 1 point ago +1 / -0

What if the theory is true that the main cloud AIs are digital ouija boards, i.e. demons or nephilim offspring are what is behind the curtain? Difference between computer answers and really intelligent-looking answers?

Litecola2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Remember they're arrogant and not the brightest. Pepe Farms remembers the jackass inquiring how to erase data for a "vip" on Reddit

Litecola2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Chase is a member of The Behavior Panel, they've covered done very interesting stuff from each of their 4 different perspectives, if you like Chase definitely give the group a watch. Always educational and entertaining.

Litecola2 5 points ago +5 / -0

I had signed up for a survey thing awhile back, and let me tell you, they are NUTS today pushing Kamala. Get into survey websites if you have time and start moving the needle, pedes, let's see them really panic...

Litecola2 14 points ago +14 / -0

Can we put out an open request on behalf on the American people for the hackers to put out a brief Biden video of him someplace weird?

Litecola2 2 points ago +2 / -0

I feel like what Kim Clement said is more in line with how I'm seeing Trump- a trumpet, and a David. More than a messenger, also a representative, a soldier, a general.

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