Have any of you noticed a change in the vaccinated? Not just the normal liberal minded lunacy but in their temperament?
In my family and friends I have noticed very short tempers flaring in people who were always calm. I have noticed a loss of compassion in the people that used to be compassionate. Nice people becoming downright hateful.
I am just reaching out for other's experiences.
Friend of mine: I warned him, about masks, about vaccines. We used to meet every Friday, families camping trips etc. But he did wear masks (even with my not wearing them together in shops!) and one night told me he had taken the vax, both. Later, one Friday at his house, I wanted to step outside for some air, he says "Don't go out there my neighbour is about" I just laughed it off, like why should that stop me and he says "Fuck off" which is super out of character. Then a couple of weeks later he cancels two weeks running, then gives me some crap about he is too tired to meet up. So then he ghosts me for three months, out of the blue late on a Friday invites me round. Turns out another mutual friend is also coming over. He makes up some story about the friend texting after I got there, and I suspect he invited because the other friend was coming, probably because the other guy would have asked if I were there, probably wanted to see me just as much, so this is catching him in a lie. OK but the main thing: I had left an old computer round there months ago, about $500 worth. I ask about it as I see he is using a laptop (which I refurbed for him, with new disk and op system) instead. He tells me he THREW IT AWAY. It belonged to me and he took it to the tip. When I asked why he would do that, he says it was taking up space and making the place messy! Except the garden and the shed are packed with junk!
So, yes, aggression, lying, spitefulness
I probably will not see him again now, after throwing the computer away he has totally lost my confidence.
Ugh what?! I've got too much to do to be hanging around with someone like that.