They purposely want the economy destroyed (deep state), and once that happens the great reset gets ushered in.
Obviously in America enough of us said no, the Supreme Court had no choice but to side with the constitution, and their plan failed big time. Supreme Court only sided with constitution because they seen enough of us said NO. Now, politicians have to double down on their intentions for “covid safety”, and they don’t know how to end the restrictions with a failing economy with no great reset happening.
Now they are at the stage of figuring out how to save face and they are fucked. They can’t save face and they can’t have the great reset.
All because you and I said NO
These people truly are stupid, and WE THE PEOPLE are the main characters in this movie. Q is the director, and the politicians/deep state are the villains in this movie. We are at the end of the movie where it’s obvious the good guys will win, and the villains mask is coming off. Just like scooby doo where the end of the movie you see the villain. The normies are seeing what we have seen for years
Now in Canada, it is obvious this is worldwide for the normies, and strength is stronger than ever. Literally
Not businesses.....CORPORATIONS. The Costco's and the Walmart's will survive. It's the smaller independent stores and restaurants that are going under.