For perspective, in 1964 70 Million tuned in to watch The Beatles on Ed Sullivan.
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All demonrats, too. Wanna bet?
If you truly are a democrat, what opened up your eyes?
I have the same question for republicans too, but most on this page have been exposed to RINOS for years now
My story is somewhat similar to yours except I grew up in a Conservative family. I even worked for the Conservative party in my youth. I got disillusioned because the party wouldn't tolerate any differing views. I learned later that all the major political parties are the same. For decades I identified with the left and voted NDP many times. Never again! I voted PPC in the last federal election and will likely vote for the new Ontario First party in our upcoming Ontario election. Being able to realize our errors in judgement and change is probably what brought a lot of people to this board.
This was super interesting. Thanks for the write up.