He's lipstick on a pig. The PROGRESSIVE Conservative party has done jackshit beyond laying down a red carpet for Trudeau's liberal party.
They're the formal opposition... where was the opposition to the gross violation of our constitutional rights? Nowhere.
Bernier and the PPC have been on the right side of the issues since their inception. Why did Bernier lose his run for Leadership of the Conservative Party? Dominion rigging.
So what does that say when this guy wins a Dominion rigged election? He's a plant.
He's lipstick on a pig. The PROGRESSIVE Conservative party has done jackshit beyond laying down a red carpet for Trudeau's liberal party.
They're the formal opposition... where was the opposition to the gross violation of our constitutional rights? Nowhere.
Bernier and the PPC have been on the right side of the issues since their inception. Why did Bernier lose his run for Leadership of the Conservative Party? Dominion rigging.
So what does that say when this guy wins a Dominion rigged election? He's a plant.