posted ago by Slechta5614 ago by Slechta5614 +19 / -0

Heavenly Father we love you so much. U constantly show us love, mercy, and grace even though we have fallen and turned our back from u. Father thank you so much for this site, it has been a home for so many wonderful souls during this dark times. Truly only u could have set up such a beautiful wonderful place for truth love and light to forever shine thru. Please keep protecting it and bring new people here. Lift up each soul here and bring them to a place of peace, joy, and comfort so we can all rise up to our purpose and help forever change the world. Look after all the amazing truckers that are leading the way for this spiritual revolution. Keep them safe and protected so they may be a beacon for others to rise up. Father show me how i personally can be better. Bring my weaknesses to the front and let Jesus Christ mold them into something you can then use for your will. Stregthen me, humble me, and keep me tight in your arms. Bring new souls to both .win and the prayer Garden so we may start planning our better tomorrow. In Jesus Christ glorious name amen

Please join us at 8pm eastern DAILY for 1 min of prayer

This thread is for anyone needing prayer wanting to say a prayer or just want a friend

PRAYER WARRIORS AND CHILDREN OF LIGHT: We have created a server on Guilded.gg to unite prayer warriors and grow together thru Christ with prayer and fellowship. All that want love and light are welcome. Hope to see u there. https://www.guilded.gg/r/zzMlvAGQYR?i=dVBr5RRd

We are now on Telegram check us out: https://t.me/+_KI9eLV6jvwzZGNh