it means we can hide things from people but we cannot hide one iota from GOD!
At the end of the day He is the Judge of all, not our friends or our enemies, so it is His standards we must follow.
What is the judgement for?
What we say (good or bad)
What we do (plus what we don't do that we know we should do)
Every hidden thought and action
God forgives, nothing is too big or small if we ask Him, His promise is that He will forgive us if we are sincere in asking.
Good news is that He is not only faithful to forgive, but He promises too to help us going forward in the decisions we make and to help us to do the right things so when we do stand before Him we know we have done all we can to live right.
it means we can hide things from people but we cannot hide one iota from GOD!
At the end of the day He is the Judge of all, not our friends or our enemies, so it is His standards we must follow.
What is the judgement for?
God forgives, nothing is too big or small if we ask Him, His promise is that He will forgive us if we are sincere in asking.
Good news is that He is not only faithful to forgive, but He promises too to help us going forward in the decisions we make and to help us to do the right things so when we do stand before Him we know we have done all we can to live right.