posted ago by ReticulatingSplines ago by ReticulatingSplines +18 / -1

The fact of the matter is that pathogens including viruses and bacteria are beneficial—as they challenge our immune systems forcing us to evolve adaptations that thwart any encountered pathogens and all of their possible variants—if we maintain the following:

  1. Regular high quality Stage IV REM sleep (the deep restorative phase of sleep during whence dreams occur)

  2. Low stress or at least not regular/prolonged periods of high stress

  3. Regular interval and/or weight training

  4. Proper inputs: this includes everything that goes into our bodies via respiration including of beneficial particles in forest air while excluding pollution, everything absorbed through skin (avoid parabens, pthalates, etc.), and digestion of properly raised animals and animal products like eggs and dairy but also a variety of raw or barely cooked fruits, nuts, vegetables, mushrooms, etc. (using supplements when necessary) and also includes regular fasting to induce autophagy which is a process where the body recycles it’s broken, toxic, and scar tissues, cells, organelles, etc.*

  5. Proper vitamin D levels via direct skin contact with sun rays and/or supplementation and/or diet.

Being deficient in meeting just one of these health requirements for too long will not only affect your ability to maintain the others but will result in immunodeficiency which if left unchecked for too long will result in any number of chronic illnesses including cancers, coronavirus illnesses including flus/covids, other infections, etc.

If you generally maintain most of these health requirements even with frequent—not sustained/long-term—deficiencies, the work of divine evolutionary creation that is your body will handle anything that comes it’s way sans severe physical injuries including those resulting from harmful injections.

So chill the fuck out (avoiding the idiot box and antisocial media reap yuge benefits), eat well and fast often, avoid pollution, sleep well, catch some rays, pump iron, and take a hike.

*Autophagy kicks in a after 16 hours of zero caloric input. This is easy to do if you do strict keto for a few days prior and then sleep off the first eight hours by starting your fast after dinner and not eating again until the next dinner. You’ll get almost 8 hours of autophagy this way in a 24 hour period. This should be done as often as tolerable. Personally, I try to do this at least once per week.

Now go and do the things, King.