Sigh, the nazis created the Jerry can... We are fighting fascism... The nazis were fascists... I think I'm on target but will look into the book you mentioned as I love to read... Cheers Anon...
We are not fighting fascism. You clearly do not know the meaning or SOURCE of that word. It is LAWFULNESS. It comes from Rome. Fascism by very definition is what all law and freedom loving people stand for. You again are falling into the communist trap while they take your very own words and truth from you.
As I said, I'll look into the book you mentioned... It matters not what word is used since fascism, Marxism and socialism all lead to the same thing... Communism... Peace to you Anon...
The thing that you must, must - MUST understand is that the only reason you think that nazism is comparable to communism was that it was created with the express purpose to combat/stop communism. It was created in a horrible cess pool of communist swill that consisted of all manner of evil and truly grotesque sexual sin beyond what can be here described. In reality it was the only thing at that time that had the proper power and perspective to counter communism in Germany and they succeeded. Unfortunately NYC in the USA was already the communist capital by 1900 and the Soviet (Council) work was just an expansion and experiment. In fullness of truth, the USA fought on the wrong side because we were already deceived by the devils like Eisenhower and so many more. Heroes like Elizabeth Dilling attempted (valiantly) to document these things and yet even today people seem to just become lost in this maze and do not see the forest for the trees.
I'm not arguing your point but you're blowing this way out of proportion... The police in Ottawa are acting like the brown shirts of WWII... They are the SS in this day and age...
Sigh, the nazis created the Jerry can... We are fighting fascism... The nazis were fascists... I think I'm on target but will look into the book you mentioned as I love to read... Cheers Anon...
We are not fighting fascism. You clearly do not know the meaning or SOURCE of that word. It is LAWFULNESS. It comes from Rome. Fascism by very definition is what all law and freedom loving people stand for. You again are falling into the communist trap while they take your very own words and truth from you.
As I said, I'll look into the book you mentioned... It matters not what word is used since fascism, Marxism and socialism all lead to the same thing... Communism... Peace to you Anon...
The thing that you must, must - MUST understand is that the only reason you think that nazism is comparable to communism was that it was created with the express purpose to combat/stop communism. It was created in a horrible cess pool of communist swill that consisted of all manner of evil and truly grotesque sexual sin beyond what can be here described. In reality it was the only thing at that time that had the proper power and perspective to counter communism in Germany and they succeeded. Unfortunately NYC in the USA was already the communist capital by 1900 and the Soviet (Council) work was just an expansion and experiment. In fullness of truth, the USA fought on the wrong side because we were already deceived by the devils like Eisenhower and so many more. Heroes like Elizabeth Dilling attempted (valiantly) to document these things and yet even today people seem to just become lost in this maze and do not see the forest for the trees.
I'm not arguing your point but you're blowing this way out of proportion... The police in Ottawa are acting like the brown shirts of WWII... They are the SS in this day and age...