posted ago by SadNZer ago by SadNZer +59 / -0

Just stood by the side of road to wave them past, I missed the first half hour of them, but 90 minutes after I got there I was still cheering them past. They were interspersed with usual morning traffic into the capital, so far from every vehicle was in the convoy, but for such a small country as ours - I've never seen anything like it. A lot of trucks, but far more mums with kids (if anything this gives me the most hope - once the mama bears get on board NCSWIC). People of all ages and so many of our beautiful Maori brothers and sisters. Several of the big rigs even were sporting huge Canadian flags. I tried to take pictures/videos, but I learned I'm a complete idiot and had my fingers all over the camera - so nothing I can use - sorry☹. The streets in our capital Wellington are very narrow with lots of one way streets, if only 1/3 of the convoy I saw stop in the city - nothing will ever move. Today has given me hope, but I still fear we are destined to be the prepared bolt-hole for the NWO when the rest of world rises up against them.