posted ago by cathole953 ago by cathole953 +18 / -1

I've been thinking about it lately. I'm not gonna date fag over it or anything, but with the way things are going. I honestly think there may not even be a 2022 election. Everything seems to be lining up just like we all hoped/thought it would for the 2020 election to be decertified within the next couple months at most.

So assuming this happens, we're obviously going to go into crisis mode, and we'll also have "concerns raised" about previously elected officials (turtle man and pelosi for example) that will have to be addressed.

Assuming things go this way, we probably aren't gonna have an election this year since the military would be busy cleaning things up and preparing for a new "reset" election where we have to have an election for everything from the freaking dog catcher to the federal government since we wouldn't be able to tell who is legitimate and not.