I can’t help but feel like these blackmailed folks kind of have a slight upper hand against the whole cabal these days. Sure, the cabal has blackmail on these folks. What are they going to do—release it? Now? When the whole world is watching? The whole world is waiting for the blackmail to come out. You don’t think that would only implicate the one person they release dirt on. No way! It would do damage to the whole lot of them. They can’t just release the blackmail these days. Its dangerous because more people wake up. The prime minister has a rare opportunity to do the right thing even if they threaten blackmail because it wouldn’t just hurt him. It would hurt them all. Bleed, cabal. Check.
I can’t help but feel like these blackmailed folks kind of have a slight upper hand against the whole cabal these days. Sure, the cabal has blackmail on these folks. What are they going to do—release it? Now? When the whole world is watching? The whole world is waiting for the blackmail to come out. You don’t think that would only implicate the one person they release dirt on. No way! It would do damage to the whole lot of them. They can’t just release the blackmail these days. Its dangerous because more people wake up. The prime minister has a rare opportunity to do the right thing even if they threaten blackmail because it wouldn’t just hurt him. It would hurt them all. Bleed, cabal. Check.