I have a feeling one more condition is required, and that's to take away the power we gave them to institute such mandates in the first place. Mandates need to go, and we need a firewall to ensure they can't be re-instituted the way they did ever again. Government needs to be restricted to governing, we the people need to be responsible for our own health.
Perfect! Although, the mandates weren't exactly laws, they were executive orders that were enforced by local police departments. Which is even more disturbing...
I have a feeling one more condition is required, and that's to take away the power we gave them to institute such mandates in the first place. Mandates need to go, and we need a firewall to ensure they can't be re-instituted the way they did ever again. Government needs to be restricted to governing, we the people need to be responsible for our own health.
Something like this perhaps?
Perfect! Although, the mandates weren't exactly laws, they were executive orders that were enforced by local police departments. Which is even more disturbing...
The mandates are rendered moot by the no discrimination clause. They can mandate all they want, but it would be voluntary,