Forwarded from IET 17 ⭐️⭐️⭐️ ( IET 17 ⭐️⭐️⭐️ ) I believe 99% of colorectal cancers are caused by parasites seeing as they like to live there and cause the destruction and immune inhibition of the gastrointestinal and colon tracts.
The other 1% are from viruses like HPV (Farrah Fawcett) - but ivermectin also destroys HPV as it has shown with all viruses.
Ivermectin in animal drug form can be as cheap as $5 for 75mg while human form is $6 for 3mg
Either way both of those options are significantly cheaper than the $25,000 per dose of chemotherapy or $700,000 per treatment of CAR-T therapy
NIH knows ivermectin works on cancer. Clearly. Check this search of NIH Website for ivermectin and cancer.
Anthony Fauci tested parasites in dogs too-so he isn’t ignorant. He knows. Now We all know.
I can’t think of a more heinous and purely evil crime besides pedophilia. They’re hiding insanely cheap cures and forcing you to inherit insurmountable debt for cancer treatment with horrid side effects that gives you significantly less of a chance of survival than ivermectin and other anti-parasitic drugs like fenbendazole and niclosamide that are not only safe but extremely effective.
And on top of that it also is effective against herpes, HIV, covid, and other viruses....As well as “incurable diseases” such as IBD and other “autoimmune diseases”.
What if cures already exist ? This is what Q was talking about.
Everyone I know knows someone personally who’s dealt with these debilitating and often terminal diseases.
They KNEW and hid it from us for profit. They KNEW and allowed our loved ones to suffer then die.
Their days are numbered. Maybe God will show them mercy should they beg for forgiveness but they will receive none, zero, zilch, nada from me.
I can’t imagine a punishment worthy enough for their crimes.
Do you mind sharing the name of the documentary? Thx This is a quick version . Very good info .