I was having a discussion with a friend the other day and shared an epiphany I had... I think it would be prudent for each of us to keep a list of our friends and family who are unvaccinated along with their blood type in case of a personal need for an emergency blood donation. The last thing I want is to be in a situation where I need emergency surgery and need a blood transfusion. I do not want vaccinated blood being put into my body.
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See this is WHY we get this sort of response from normies even when talking about things that are true. When we say shit like 'thErE ArE AlieNS iN MuH VaccINe' when such things are obvious bullshit to anyone who considers the actual facts, then it becomes impossible for us to hold a serious conversation about the truth. Very much like The Boy Who Cried Wolf.
Every time ANYTHING happens in the news, we seem to have to tie it in with some sort of deep dark secret. But the fact is, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Yes, really.
It is so easy to make up shit in your head and post it. But unless you have some real world tie in that is not sourced from places like GatewayPundit, those stories are going to be seen by the outside world as yet another paranoid scenario. If we just say 'OMG that's definitely tied into a world wide conspiracy' every single time anyone says anything, then when there is an actual real evil world wide conspiracy that we should be going after, we won't ever be able to prove it.
If a company in Nigeria came up with something to make your dick grow 8 inches overnight, there is literally no way in hell they could ever sell it, and you KNOW WHY. We as a group of like minded people need to police our site way way better. Otherwise we just end up as a collection of ranting paranoid datefagging retards with a few smart people trapped inside.
Go after the enemy with FACTS, not bullshit clickbait or made up fiction from your head.