posted ago by purkiss80 ago by purkiss80 +18 / -5

Nazi Germany 2022

By O Katz

Are you starting to see the similarities between the evil decrees enacted by the Nazis during World War Two, and today’s globalist dystopian nightmare? This is not a coincidence.

1)The Nazis began by defunding the police and installing “brown shirts” in their place-a network of criminal thugs who burned and looted Jewish businesses and beat up “undesirables” at will. Sound familiar? Just like the BLM/Antifa riots and civil unrest that have rocked our country in the past year, this new army of brownshirts is meant to weaken America and create civil unrest.

2)The Nazis revoked Jewish citizens rights in stages-they forced Jewish owned businesses to close, just as world leaders did during global lockdowns.

3)Nazis then rescinded employment rights- similar to the vaccine apartheid that is being forced upon the world now, where only the vaccinated can retain jobs.

4)Nazis forced Jews to wear yellow stars of David, to identify them- just like the ID bands being used by nursing homes and the military to differentiate between the vaxxed and unvaxxed.

5)Nazis created a culture to mock Jews publicly, and differentiate between the desirables (vaccinated/masked) and the undesirables (unvaccinated/unmasked)

6)Once Jews were clearly identified by their yellow stars-think vaccine passports- they were denied entrance to universities, restaurants and other businesses, that became reserved exclusively for “desirables”- vaxxed/masked.

7)Eventually Nazis segregated Jews into ghettos, self-contained cities to keep undesirables away- similar to the Covid “camps” in Australia.

8)By this point the Nazis had accustomed the general populace to Jew-hating and even children eagerly participated in the “sport”-similar to the horrid treatment and ridicule that unmasked/unvaxxed people receive when they are attacked and ridiculed for non-compliance.

9)Curfews were enacted in Germany just like today -Covid comes out after 10:00 PM remember?

  1. Nazis publicly burned books that went against their narrative and pumped out evil propaganda in place of literature. Today we see the same censorship, on digital platforms worldwide, as conservatives are silenced by Big Tech bullies and patriots are shadowbanned, demonetized and de-platformed for refusing to walk in lockstep with the MSM propaganda machine.

11)People were told not to think for themselves or to worship God. So too, churches, synagogues and mosques have been forcibly closed for the “greater good” during Covid lockdowns.

  1. In Germany, only the military were allowed to own firearms- because armed civilians can fight back. Think about how hard the government is trying to take away your second amendment rights now and ask yourselves- why?

13)Back then, Hitler youth were turned against their elders and neighbours were encouraged to spy on one another, creating societal divides, just as we see now, between the vaxxed and non-vaxxed, whites and blacks, young and old. Children today have been brainwashed by socialist propaganda and spout communistic garbage that they were taught in school. It’s the same divide and conquer techniques they have always used.

14)Family values were torn apart, just as modern-day families, after years of exposure to unhealthy TV programming, violent video games and insidious social media apps, are being ripped apart. The LGBTQ agenda, BLM-Antifa narrative, abortion clinics etc have weakened society from within. God has been removed from classrooms, bibles are banned from schools, until an entire culture exists that cannot differentiate, morally, between what is good and right and what is evil and false.

  1. Ghettos were models of “smart cities” that are proposed openly by globalists now. People lived in crowded squalor in the ghettos and barely managed to survive on starvation rations. Now, as then, people got by on government handouts, making them more and more dependent on the corrupt government.

  2. The next phase involved concentration camps- just like they have in Australia- to “protect people” from the unvaxxed Then came forced labour camps, concentration camps and, ultimately, death camps.

  3. As Jews were herded into concentration camps, Nazis tattooed numbers on their arms, to dehumanize and track them. The tattooed numbers made the Jews into little more than chattel in their eyes, property to be used or disposed of at whim- just like vaccine IDs and global passports are doing now. Each person today is given a card with their vaccine ID number on it and tracked accordingly.

  4. Joseph Mengele performed horrific experiments on human subjects in the death camps, not for the sake of curing illness, but simply to torture hapless Jews. Similarly, today, experimental mRNA vaccines are changing people’s God-given DNA, causing horrific side effects, and murdering people- all to “protect” against a bioweapon that the same globalists released, and which has over a 99% survival rate!

Do you see what they’re doing to us? Nazi Germany was a dry run for the evil, globalist scheme that is taking place today. Can you understand the satanic scale of this “pandemic”?

This is why globalists so vehemently deny the Holocaust- they don’t want you- the undesirables, to understand what’s truly happening. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

The brilliantly evil deep state globalists have carried out a massive psyop on humanity, one so enormous in scale that it has driven an entire planet of otherwise healthy individuals into a frenzy of fear, where people willingly wait in line for hours for the privilege of receiving a poison death shot. These new Nazis no longer have a need for primitive crematoria or gas chambers, people have come willingly, like lambs to the slaughter, to happily offer their arms and the arms of their innocent children, up to the globalists, a mass sacrifice of humanity to moloch, in the insane hope that somehow, someday, taking the magic vaccine will make the whole world free again, with the “new normal” always floating ephemerally on the horizon. As the sign above Auschwitz clearly stated “Arbeit Macht Frei” “hard work will set you free”. Today- Jabs and masks will set you free.

So be good citizens, wear your masks, keep away from your loved ones, cower indoors and put out your arms to receive your poison death shots to “protect others” from the scary bioweapon. It’s all for your own good, the globalists promise. ☠️☠️☠️