posted ago by SadNZer ago by SadNZer +18 / -0

Trevor Mallard is the Speaker of the House in NZ Parliament. Well he's ordered that the sprinklers are turned on in the Parliament grounds and will remain on throughout the night until the protesters leave. Firstly, it's raining in Wellington now. Secondly, Wellingtonians have been under major water restrictions for the past month as it has been a long dry spell - but well "rules for thee, but not for me" I guess. He is very much one of the most hated people in government right now, but this plumbs new lows of petty vindictiveness - even for the old skanky duck. He was out yesterday on the Parliament balcony with a cuppa enjoying watching the dirty cops stick the boot in. I guess it's nice for the rest of the country to see the reality of their future play out in front of them. I've been wondering for a while that we have lost the country, at least now I don't have to waste anytime wondering any more - it's here.