As an essential oil educator, I beg you PLEASE do not just use any essential oil that you find on a shelf at your grocery store OR AMAZON. 100% purity is incredibly important. And as I'm sure that everyone here understands doing research, I am passionate about helping people use essential oils safely and effectively so I research them on a daily basis. If you need help with oils, I'd be happy to connect.
Difference between what people buy for oil defusers and what to get to consume, too! There are two separate sections at, for instance, Whole Foods (owned by Amazon now)
Yes! There's no regulations so find a company that consistently is proven to be 100% pure every single time. Side effects only come from adulterants, not a pure oil.
Oregano oil as well. 5-6 drops twice daily for any intestinal challenges...
I've been looking for some sarracenia purpurea to grow in my yard in case I need the only known natural remedy for smallpox.
"They" talked about using Marburg as the excuse for bleeding/clotting problems from the vaxx, a year ago! The HF/Marlburg is just another lie!
Watch the FDA change it to a prescription
They can't, that's why they're trying so hard to patent plants.
Just put thyme in your food when you cook.
As an essential oil educator, I beg you PLEASE do not just use any essential oil that you find on a shelf at your grocery store OR AMAZON. 100% purity is incredibly important. And as I'm sure that everyone here understands doing research, I am passionate about helping people use essential oils safely and effectively so I research them on a daily basis. If you need help with oils, I'd be happy to connect.
Difference between what people buy for oil defusers and what to get to consume, too! There are two separate sections at, for instance, Whole Foods (owned by Amazon now)
Yes! There's no regulations so find a company that consistently is proven to be 100% pure every single time. Side effects only come from adulterants, not a pure oil.
Thanks for the tip. Where have you been buying it? What dosage metrics do you follow?
So when Trump said we should drink Lysol or Bleach he was right!