Okay then, what is your interpretation of "Saving Israel for last"? Because it seems like people who are on that wavelength seem to be relishing the thought of the destruction of Israel, unless I'm mistaken in which case I'll gladly concede.
All any of us can do about Q's "Save Israel for last" statement is guess. My guess is not that it means to destroy Israel. Instead, it makes more sense that it would refer to the dismantling of evil elements in Israel. See what happened with the Saudi royals by way of example.
Did I miss something? Where did Maui_Boy say anything about Jews not deserving their own country?
If that is check and mate, you are playing against yourself.
Okay then, what is your interpretation of "Saving Israel for last"? Because it seems like people who are on that wavelength seem to be relishing the thought of the destruction of Israel, unless I'm mistaken in which case I'll gladly concede.
All any of us can do about Q's "Save Israel for last" statement is guess. My guess is not that it means to destroy Israel. Instead, it makes more sense that it would refer to the dismantling of evil elements in Israel. See what happened with the Saudi royals by way of example.