How is this possible?
Isnt it truly amazing that GreatAwakening and .win as a whole has remained open and full of truth throughout this whole time. The ememy has not been able to stop us. Take a moment to take that in. Its almost like we were part of the plan. If thats true what does that mean? Love u all. GOD BLESS
Why would it still be up if its tearing them down. Seems counter productive right?
That’s what I’m saying. The logical conclusion is that it’s run by spooks.
I'm still confused how u got to the conclusion that this site is run by spies for the enemy. Or am I confusing something ur saying somewhere
Since this site apparently helps us and apparently harms the cabal, and since the cabal is capable of knocking sites off the net, I believe this site is a honeypot run by the feds to gather intel. This way they know what we’re thinking and feeling, they can perform some limited censorship of the most sensitive topics, and they can run their AI bots and shills on this site without interference from the site.
So how do u explain the fact that ALL there dirt is slowly coming out? The sensitive topics are most definitely here. Why would they allow God to be so present. They know they cant take on his force. Idk man this iust doesnt line up. I would encourage u to try to put that thought aside for a second and see if u can come up with something different. Think positve, like God is in control and NCSWIC