How is this possible?
Isnt it truly amazing that GreatAwakening and .win as a whole has remained open and full of truth throughout this whole time. The ememy has not been able to stop us. Take a moment to take that in. Its almost like we were part of the plan. If thats true what does that mean? Love u all. GOD BLESS
It's an American story of triumph, like the old days. Some people never give up no matter how tough it gets. I took 52 trips and spent over 150 days in the same area. Lowest temp was -17 and up to 108. I even had a lion and her cub look over my shoulder one night. That got my blood going.
Wow that is amazing. Good for u. That's awesome
I also accidently found the 7 cities of gold and a few other things that will change history when public. The city of gold was destroyed in 1190 that's why no one could find it. It would make a great National Monument. There are 16 Buffalo Jumps in North America, I found # 17 what are those odds?
Wow seriously??
Seriously. My first project after this will actually be a historical document I want to digitize and make public. It's the holy grail on past government corruption. I know where it is, I just need a team to help me put it into digital form. Then release it. Unfortunately doing so might get me killed. I figure once it's out I'm safe but I need to get it out first. They call us Autists for a reason. We know how to dig. :)
Fun fact... I was on 1/2 chan at "that moment" in October 2017. Only a few people that day, that time, for some reason.