14 Any georgia anon have down cell service approx 4 pm? posted 3 years ago by GMFactual 3 years ago by GMFactual +14 / -0 verizon and other down outage detecor is what i see past my own phone 10 comments share 10 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Verizon, US Cellular, etc...Try this out (play with it for a while):
thats what i was using, looking to confirm but thanks man
Yes. Just about the whole state is down.
Huge multi-state outage in the south - not weather related either. IT'S HAPPEBNINGGGG.
something did and yeah not weather
yes but they always mess with my phone, so i thought it was just mine
looking at downdetector looks like multiple services across the state. for a couple hours it seems but i only noticed just before i posted
Heard about it from a buddy of mine. Can confirm.
verizon to since about when you posted but still like 4-5 hours. its odd