My sister just told me that she will probably lose her job in the next 2 weeks for refusing to get boosted (yes, she got the jab against my advice). Without going into a lot of details, she asked me to research the legality of getting fired for refusing the boost.
Her questions: should I quit or get fired? If I get fired, can I collect? I told her she should let them fire her and she will be able to collect. But, I'm looking for websites to share with her.
Here you go:
Covid Attorneys:
Covid Ultimatum Guide:
Do not quit - make them fire you so you have grounds for legal action. Please submit this info to a law firm asap so they can advise in a timely fashion like Renz Law. Contact Renz Law
Thomas Renz is fighting the good fight for the rights of those affected by unwarranted firings for bogus made up illegal public health mandates with no basis, the vax injured, and survivors of those killed by the jab.
Its experimental. She could say since her initial jabs she has discovered there is fetal tissue and it goes against her beliefs.
That is exactly what happened; she found out after the fact that they contain fetal tissues. She mentioned that someone else at her place of employment (which is in the medical field) requested a religious exemption and they were denied. So, she's trying to survey the landscape.
Check this site out for medical and legal info
Thank you, that was one of the websites I was thinking about also.
My pleasure