I’m not big on the “HiLlArY hAs BeEn in GuAnTaNaMo sInCe ShE wAS TwELvE yEaRs OLd” crowd but I really believe we will learn the details after the arrests have started. No perp walks...
Seriously... When you think about it, perp walks are for the corrupt who want to act like 'following the law' is 'following the narrative.' Meanwhile, the law should be cold and emotionless.. exercised the same whether public or secret.. something that just happens to keep the non-righteous fearful and the righteous feeling freely to move forward to the best of his or her ability.
That’s what I’m thinking.
I’m not big on the “HiLlArY hAs BeEn in GuAnTaNaMo sInCe ShE wAS TwELvE yEaRs OLd” crowd but I really believe we will learn the details after the arrests have started. No perp walks...
Seriously... When you think about it, perp walks are for the corrupt who want to act like 'following the law' is 'following the narrative.' Meanwhile, the law should be cold and emotionless.. exercised the same whether public or secret.. something that just happens to keep the non-righteous fearful and the righteous feeling freely to move forward to the best of his or her ability.